
This week was very special. I was on a week long and very productive business trip. I feel exhausted now but it sure was a success!

HIGH – Getting to know and spending this week with wonderful people in a relaxed atmosphere, with lots of time to think about and discuss new research ideas. On top of that came spending this week in a picturesque city and enjoying beautiful sunny fall weather.

LOW – My low of the week was being away from the husband. I still get nervous whenever I’m away. We talked every day on the phone. But one day I couldn’t reach him right away and I was worried sick.

BOOK – Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh. It’s a humorous approach to depression. Sadly, I’m not very far into the book yet. I just don’t read much when I travel.

WORKOUTS – Not much because of my busy schedule. I went on a quick bike trip on Sunday and plan to go on a long bike ride tomorrow.

MONEY – I didn’t spend much money at all this week. The best money I spent was probably on very tasty pizza and good wine last night during good conversations.

WEEKEND PLANS – A bike ride, coffee and cake with a friend, and we’ll see from there.

How was your week?



I’m seeing this on quite some blogs that I read and I thought this would be a very nice habit to start.

HIGH – Where do I start? There were so many highs this week. On Monday morning I got some lab results back from my doctor, saying I was totally healthy. This is always good to hear but I was especially relieved as the doctor and I suspected a severe, chronic disease. On Tuesday I went to Brussels to attend a small conference where I met some of my favorite colleagues again. I only left Brussels the next afternoon and went on a free city tour of Brussels on Wednesday morning. Finally, this morning I was able to attend another of the husband’s therapy sessions. Those always make me feel good. Especially the way his therapist appreciates my role in this process.

LOW – The low of the week was being in the office yesterday. After being gone for two days and with being gone all of next week, I just didn’t have enough time to finish everything I wanted to get done. So that day was just really, really hectic.

BOOK The Dark Road by Ma Jian. I’m half way through and think it’s a great book about a women’s struggle with China’s one-child policy.

WORKOUTS – This week was very busy but I managed to squeeze in a short bike round on Sunday morning and a short run tonight.

MONEY – The best money I spent this week was on a chubby, clumsy looking pinguin figure (that is actually a pencil sharpener) for the husband. He loved it.

WEEKEND PLANS – Walking through vineyards, breakfast at a super cute new little restaurant that we heard good things about, lazy mornings, reading, and packing for the next trip.

How was your week? I hope you all had a great week as well.

Things I love

I love to wake up early on a Sunday morning (or Saturday), read for a while, listen to the constant flow of traffic outside, enjoy the silence of our appartment. And then. Fall asleep again. Oh weekends. With plenty of time and no plans coming across my way.