One year

Today marks one year that you decided you didn’t want to live anymore. That you were standing by the river banks in the middle of the night, wanting to jump. That a lady with a dog went by at 4 o’clock in the morning, saw you and convinced you not to do this. That this lady walked you home where you were safe again, where I found you crying in the bathroom. It is one year now that you made the decision to go into therapy. A year that changed a lot! Our relationship, your way of looking at life. All for the better! You still have a long way ahead of you. You’re still at that clinic, only interrupted by some nights or even weekends out. I cherish those moments and I’m deeply thankful that we can enjoy those.


Of course I know about the turkey on Thanksgiving, about sweet potatoes, family dinners and such. What I learned only this year after reading other blogs I follow is what seems quite obvious when you think about the holiday’s name: Ask yourself what you are thankful for these days.

Although this year was full of struggles as well as great moments, there is something that I am especially thankful for this year:

The advancements in cancer research and surgery.

When my Dad was diagnosed with cancer this year his chances seemed very slim. I am thankful for doctors that he could trust. That took a chance and planned and performed a risky operation. And finally. Healed him.

This summer I wondered what christmas will be like. Whether we’ll visit my Dad at a hospital. Whether he will suffer a lot. I am thankful for being able to look forward to going home for christmas. Like I do every year. And this christmas will be just like any other christmas so far. Yet, I will especially enjoy this christmas and cherish the time with my family.